Part 5 – Reflect on Tutor Feedback

Context, reflective thinking, critical thinking, analysis ­

Throughout this part of the course you demonstrate good thinking skills, both reflective thinking and analysis. In your review you show this in the way you look with care and make good judgments about your work.

You also make important links to your contextual research that support learning and understanding. When “developing the group” you identify what has been learnt through a thorough and well judged evaluation. There is evidence of deep thinking in your intelligently articulated written statement. Finally in your learning log you write an informative and valuable self reflection where you use the summative feedback from MMT to look back and measure the distance and changes in your understanding. This is a good example of reflective thinking and how it encourages a depth of thought and understanding.

Completing this course has been a significant learning experience for me. I’ve been introduced to Critical Reflection and Thinking systems that have made a very definite impact on my ability to make the best work that I can. The exercises that centred around a variety of themes have guided me, leading me and encouraging me to identify subjects and contexts that resonate strongly allowing me to work for myself rather than simply working to ‘the brief’.

Demonstration of technical and visual skills, quality of outcome, demonstration of creativity ­

The practical work produced for this assignment demonstrates an informed understanding of the creative process. The ideas are concise but well developed, pushing possibilities using sound judgment. The samples are exploratory and investigative coming from a stronger understanding of your personal voice

This course has introduced me to a whole new far more collaborative way of working with materials. I am now more explorative and persistent. I take more time over reflection and follow paths of curiosity rather than simply throwing ideas at a concept. This has enabled me to produce pieces that have a far more considered and refined aspect.


­This is a well written essay, concise, informative and enlightening. The language has a strong tone that is intelligent, frank and intimate. You frequently make relevant links between your contextual research, your creative practice and your learning. Your understanding of textiles is progressive and contemporary, demonstrated by the practitioners you chose to write about but also the perspective you take. There is a nice use of using quotes from your learning log as primary research evidence of your thinking and depth of learning. I found the conclusion moving and direct as you sum up the evidence of your learning.

It came as a huge relief to know that my essay had hit the right notes and worked as a piece of formal writing.